Write for us

Write for Us – Digital Online Updates
Requirement for Guest Posts:
- Content must be at least 500-2000 words and make sure to be generic and free from plagiarism.
- Articles must be original to the author and should not be published anywhere.
- The articles should be easily readable and divided into sections with subheadings.
- You can include one link and it will DO-FOLLOW on website.
- Make Sure Title should be 70 characters and attractive.
- Try to Provide 2 or 3 reference links to other blog pages.
- Provide an unique featured image with high quality.
- Can also Include other images if necessary for the content.
- Submit articles in Microsoft Word format as email attachments.
- Include author Bio.
How to submit your article:
Digital Online Updates is welcomes you to contributor content. Please write to us at digitalonlineupdates.com@gmail.com
Please mention the terms “Write For Us”, “Sponsored Post” in mail. We will review & publish your article in 3-4 days.
Search Terms Related To Tech Blogging:
guest blogging sites for SEO
post your blog
social media guest post
guest post submission
marketing guest post
guest blogger guidelines
guest blogging SEO
guest post guidelines
“Write to us”+ Business
“Write to us”+ Fashion
“Write to us”+ Health Care
“Write to us”+ Online Marketing
“Write to us”+ SEO
“Write to us”+ Digital Marketing
“Write to us”+ Tech
“Write to us”+ Digital
“Write to us”+ Trends
“Write for us”+ Lifestyle
“Write for us”+ Latest fashion news
“Write for us”+ “Travel Blog”
“Write of us “+ Life news
“Write for us”+ business story
“Write for us”+ latest Business news
“Write to us”+ Fashion updates
Business: “Write for us ” + “Guest Post submission”